Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's been awhile....

I'm sorry that we have not updated in so long! I feel like our lives are spinning and we have no control of it right now. Chris took Kamiree down to Denver the week of Feb 23rd and she did awesome! She participated at all her therapies and had a good attitude for most the time :) We are now working on putting two words together and helping her put the two syllables that make up the word together so it's smooth. For instance, instead of buh nee, we are getting her to say it all together. I'm proud of how she has improved, but I do know she could be so much farther if we had her in an intensive speech therapy every week. This is the other reason we are going spinning....trying to figure out moving to Denver. Chris just did a teacher job fair down in Colorado trying to get a job. I pray that he will get one because 1. He loves teaching 2. He has to have a job for us to move 3. We need to move to Colorado. It's intimidating to have 600 other teachers looking for jobs in one building. Through this all we know that God is in control and we are relying on Him to get through all this. We have just recently changed our diet. We are now trying gluten free. So far this is day 3 and I have noticed a difference in Kamiree. She seems to be saying more words and a lot calmer. I don't know if I'm just looking for it, so we will continue and see how it goes. It's really good for our family because we are eating more vegetables and learning about them :) So if you need something to pray for it would be that Chris gets a job offer down in Denver! Kamiree needs this.