Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Another school year started

I can't believe we are already into November!  The summer was pretty uneventful as far as Kamiree goes.  She went to a sign language summer camp at her school the month of June, and got to spend most of July in Wyoming with my parents.  We are so blessed to have the family support we do.
This was us getting to go camping for a few days in the Big Horns :)

With that being said, this school year has already been a roller coaster.  Kamiree tested kind of low coming back in to the school, and I was a little worried the regression was due to Landau-Kleffner.  It seemed like some of the things she had got last year were forgotten.  We have had to fight insurance companies continuously since September 1st, and had to cancel an EEG that was scheduled in October.  We kind of have it figured out through December now I hope, and Kamiree will be able to get her scheduled EEG on November 11th.  The last EEG in July showed that Kamiree was having electric activity 60% of the time again, on medication, so it was heartbreaking.  We had gotten it down to 20% so this is a huge increase.  The neurologist has said that if this next EEG shows increased electric activity, we will take her off the medication and essentially give up on controlling it.  I'm very sad about this, and am praying that it is more controlled.  I'm so scared that if we do take her off the medication we might actually see a "real" seizure occur or something worse.  I haven't seen it yet, and I really don't want to watch her go through one.  
In the past two weeks Kamiree has began to read!!  I thought she had just memorized the book her school had her reading until I pulled out a book from the Abeka summer program and she read it!  The amount of tears that have been shed for Kamiree could probably fill up Boysen Reservoir, but these tears were happy :)  Here is her reading her first book.

And now we are here to the great news and update since I first started writing this post :)  Kamiree received her report card last week and has all A's and 2 B's.  The B's are in reading and math!  We went to the teacher conference and she said Kamiree has all of a sudden clicked on a lot of material, including reading (which we already noticed).  She is still at an end of kindergarten reading level, but SHE IS READING!!!  That's all I have to say :)  She is up to her age group in all other subjects and that is enough to be proud of.
Kamiree finally got her EEG yesterday and Children's just called me about her results, and she has improved!  Last time they said the abnormal activity was at 60% and this time it is at 27%.  Praise the Lord!  Maybe that is why she is improving so quickly in speech?  I don't know what the cause is, but she is improving!  We will continue her on this Lamictal and pray it continues to work.  There is no way we would go to the steroid medication with her so thankful this is working again :)

We always get sad this time of year as all the holiday's come around and we aren't in our "home" still.  Then I think, wow, it's only been 16 months and Kamiree is a whole new person.  It is still a sacrifice being here for the rest of the kids, and really for Kamiree.  She thinks we are moving back when she turns 8, so at her birthday she yelled "One More Year"!  I hope so, but won't go back until she is self sufficient and caught up on all levels.  The younger kids are really starting to ask when we are moving back to the red house.  As much as there is to do here, there is nothing like being around family.  Being here has really put in perspective what is important in life, and what we can do without.  I'm thankful that God uses situations to grow us and to rely on Him more.  Couldn't do it without Him!
Kamiree getting busy on the soccer field

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