Sunday, January 1, 2012

Start of a new Year

Thinking of all the positives of this year has kept my perspective much happier then what it could be...just some of them being
1. Chris finished college 2 weeks ago and now is a teacher..YAHOO!!!
2. We found out what is wrong with Kamiree so we can get her the help she needs to communicate with us
3. My sister-in-law and her husband received the blessing of a child
4. My other sister-in-law and her husband had a baby in July
5. Chris and I had a baby in January, love our quiet little sunshine Tenley

These to name just a few which I know I am missing a ton. I have tended to wallow in my self pity for the past two weeks and have tried as much as I can to come out of it. Looking at the positives has helped tremendously, but most of all having a Savior that loves me and knows what I need has been my saving grace, in more ways then one. I have heard the comments "well it could be worse" or "at least she can talk/walk," and honestly I DO get that, but this is our worse. I am grateful that we don't have any children with cancer or anything else for that matter, but I have a child that I cannot communicate with. I can't ask her how her day was and get an answer...we have a shallow verbal relationship and that kills me. I pray that this therapy will help her be able to express her feelings, emotion, without the hitting and kicking and whatever else goes along with her frustration. I have been slapped across the face more times than I can count this year (from Kamiree not my husband ;)), and the worst part is I wasn't really mad I just cried with frustration. Thank you God for this special needs child that I get to love and hug and take care of even when I feel so alone a lot of the time.......

1 comment:

  1. Love your thankfulness! I wonder if there is a support group or a group of Moms you could keep in contact with that have children who have the things Kamiree struggles with? I am excited for the leaps and bounds 2012 holds for Kamiree!
